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Home > Accounts & Access > Sponsored Accounts
Sponsored Accounts
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How to Create and Manage your Sponsored Accounts


Sponsored Accounts are available to all full-time employees and some part-time employees at Utah Tech University.


To access Sponsored Accounts, go to and sign in with your Digital-ID and password.


Long Term Sponsored Accounts must be renewed every year in October. You will receive emails when the time comes to renew.


Types of Sponsored Accounts

These can all be found under "REQUEST FORM" when signed into


Generic email

This will be your basic account that works best for shared email for multiple people to access.

Access can be granted to as many people as needed, and people can be added and removed whenever.

Access can only be granted to anyone with an email address.

This is a long-term renewable account.


This account uses Microsoft's Delegate Access to tie the shared email account to your Digital-ID account.

Any modification to access is managed by Riker Evans. Please refer to this article for more information about Delegate Access.


Generic @utahtech gworkspace

This account can be created to allow someone to use the Google Workspace application like Drive, Docs, Sheets, etc.

This account is rarely used as all [email protected] accounts already have access to these services.

If you ever needed secondary access to Google, this is your account.

This is a long-term renewable account.


NOTE: This does not create a Gmail account for the account. It is strictly used for just the workspace.


Part-Time Employee email

This option is very situational.

All employees here at Utah Tech should have emails created through the hiring process.

But if there is any special case where a [email protected] account was not created, this could be your option.

Before creating this type of account, please reach out to Riker Evans to ensure correct usage!

This is a long-term renewable account.


Affiliate Account

This account is the next most common account.

These accounts should be created when 3rd party people will need special login credentials through us.

These accounts won't be able to sign into any workstations here on campus but will have access to sign into other recourses that the university provides.

This account will not have an email mailbox attached to it. 

This is a long-term renewable account.


Computer and Wireless Login

These accounts are created for temporary access to university computers and Wi-Fi.

This is good for public events where off campus guests may need access to our UT-Guest Wi-Fi as a Registered Guest. 

This can also be used for 3rd party guests to use our workstations for up to 2 weeks. 

These will expire anywhere between 1 day to 2 weeks depending on the selected option.


Wireless Login

This account is similar to the Computer and Wireless Login but is purely for Wi-Fi access.

These will expire anywhere between 1day to 2 weeks depending on the selected option.


Account Lookup

You can use this to look up other Sponsored Accounts to see the type of account and who the supervisor is.



Pending Initial Approval

All submitted Sponsored accounts must be approved by a supervisor.

If you do not have a supervisor, they are sent to Craig Southwick and he will usually approve them ASAP.


 Active Accounts

This will show all active accounts that you are the current supervisor over. 

For long term accounts like emails and Affiliates will have the option to Delegate or Delete.

The Delegate option will allow you to change the supervisor over the account to someone else. This is important if you are leaving the University or want another team member to run the account.

The Delete option will remove the account and all of its data. Please be careful with deleting accounts, data may not always be recoverable.


Deleted or Denied Accounts

This shows all past accounts that have been deleted.

Accounts can be recreated with the same name as deleted accounts but will not retain any data or information.


Questions about Sponsored Accounts

Any questions about your sponsored accounts or uses that you are unsure of, contact Riker Evans.


Riker Evans:


[email protected]


HCC 597 N

Information Technology











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